Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!! I'll post about ours next week.
Here's a baby update!
How far along? 31 weeks tomorrow! Um what?! We have nothing ready for this kid, he's got some cute outfits but that's about it. With Layla her room was set up and ready to go around 6 months.
Maternity clothes? All, all the time. I still wear most of my normal shirts with a maternity tank underneath.
Stretch marks? I've noticed a few... I'm not too concerned about them like I was with Layla. They fade. -Same
Sleep: Oh my aching hips!!!! Sleep sucks.
Best moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat at our monthly check on Wednesday, watching him kick at the doppler speaker the nurse laid on my tummy. Layla. She is so sweet! She is always talking to him and kissing him. It's awesome. She is going to be the best big sister.
Miss Anything? Not having to pee every time I stand up or move.
Movement: Lots, all the time.
Food cravings: Everything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The kitchen first thing in the morning.
Gender: All boy!
Labor Signs: Zero
Belly Button in or out? It's pretty much out.
Wendesday was our last monthly appt, they now go to every two weeks. It's getting real!
When you start going every two weeks you are in the home stretch!!!!