To counteract yesterday’s post.
Layla! Of course she’s first! She is awesome and funny and amazing! She has recently become obsessed with Tangled and is pretty much convinced that she is Rapunzel. We have to call her that 99% of the time. I’m not sure if I ever shared this pic, but this is her in a X mas gift. Every day we get home and she has to put on that purple dress.
Ben. He’s pretty awesome too! He’s really sweet about all my pregnancy woes and takes really good care of me. I can’t wait to see him holding Jack for the first time. Is that not the best?! I thought I really loved him before Layla but the first time I saw him hold her love tripled.
Daily Deal Websites. Man these things rock! I have too many that get emailed to me daily and honestly I rarely buy from them (except for Pick your Plum!) but they are so fun to look at every day!
Work Friends. They make the day so much better! I am so lucky to have close friends from every job I’ve ever had. It was great to see so many of them at my baby shower this weekend.
My Step Mom Brenda. She’s fab! Even though she lives 3000 miles away she always knows how to make me feel special. Her texts every morning to tell me she loves me make my day!
My Whip (I’m so gangsta now!) My car is always dirty, has a few dings (thanks Ikea shopping cart), gets abused on the regular but always gets us where we need to go. It’s only front wheel drive but it does amazing in our nuts Washington weather and gets close to 32 mpg. Naughty Cal, you are an awesome vehicle!
Rapid fire: Starbucks, even being spendy I love you. Jack Johnson & Ben Harper, you to get me. Blogging again. Elmer, that dog loves me so much! I’m lucky to have him. Pinterest. Being so close to holding Jack. Up front parking spots. Organizing. Throwing stuff away. Baby blankets. Uneven numbers, lol random. Bounce dryer sheets. The smell of lilac. Layla’s laugh. Open mouth baby kisses from my nephew. Instagram. Hump day!
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