Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Friday!!

We are so close to the weekend! I can't wait! I need some Thrift Stores in my life! Yesterday I did a Google search of all the thrift stores in my area. I found a list of about 12 that I hadn’t been to in awhile or never been to at all. So… This is how I am spending my Saturday, and it makes me super excited!

Have a fabulous weekend Blog Land!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ladies Night!

Lately me and my Girls Jen and Becca have been getting together almost weekly on Wednesdays for ladies night. We’ve been trying new places and revisiting old favorites. It’s been fantastic! Lots of laughs, drinks and besties! It’s almost always during Happy Hour so drinks and food are on the cheap and it’s just fabulous to unwind with my Ladies!

Last night we had plans to go to the Davenport’s Safari Room. The Davenport is Spokane’s fanciest hotel and for Happy Hour they do a $5 menu. Unfortunately Jen had to work her 2nd job that night and since it was her idea to go there, Becca and I decided to wait until next week when she can make it.

So we went to the Steam Plant instead! This place is an old fav and it has amazing ambiance! The steamstacks can be seen from all over the city, plus free parking downtown win win!

The twin 225’ smokestacks were hand-formed, using a total of 333,340 bricks! The Steam Plant provided heat to most of the major buildings in downtown Spokane until 1986. (I was 3!) After being a home to workers and equipment producing steam heat almost non-stop for over 70 years, the Steam Plant sat idle for almost a decade before finding its new purpose – to house 80,000 square feet of offices, retail spaces and the Steam Plant Brewing Company and Stacks Restaurant.

Pretty Awesome, but here’s the real reason we choose this place: HUCKLEBERRY HARVEST ALE - A light-bodied beer with a subtle aroma of huckleberries and just a hint of sweetness on the palate.  I’ve been craving this beer for weeks! It’s oh so good! Actually any of their beers are good!

Standing in a Steamstack

A jalapeƱo beer sample  
Can't wait until next week! Do you have a group of girls or friends that meet regularly? What do you guys do?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend Round Up

This weekend…. Friday night we had some friends over for a nice round of Apples to Apples. I didn’t win. The house across the street from and to the left is for sale. I know the owners have moved out so late Friday night Becca & I snuck across the street and looked in the windows. Do you ever do this? It looks nice, a lot like our house but smaller.
Saturday I hung out with my Mom. We did a little shopping; I bought a dress for our upcoming trip to Portland. We never made it to the Falls, it was rainy and cold.
Sunday, we woke up to a beautiful day! We cleaned cars out, took a trip to the dump. Layla loves this, I don’t know why. It stinks! I finally found a pallet for my project. While the kiddo was napping Ben and I did some yard work, planted some blubs that we got in the Fall… Yeah I doubt we’ll see the flowers this year, but maybe next. When Layla woke up we went to the nearby elementary school, we played and rode bikes. It was the perfect Sunday! We finished the day with some yummy bbq’d steaks for dinner!
And here is the cutest video you will ever see! J Layla telling her favorite Knock Knock Joke.

Layla: Knock Knock
Me: Who's there
Layla: Smell Mop
Me: Smell Mop Who?
Layla: Disgusting! I don't want to smell poo!
Have a great week!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012


·         I am so happy its Friday!!!
·         We have logo shirts we wear to work on Fridays. Slacks and T-shirts… Anyways the shirt makes my hair so staticy! It’s annoying
·         I am so happy Layla’s not sick this weekend!
·         I don’t care for basketball. I do love football though
·         Did I mention I’m glad it’s Friday?
·         Two weeks from today Ben and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary! We’re going to Portland for the weekend. I’ve only driven through Portland never spent any time there. There’s an IKEA there and Oregon doesn’t have sales tax!! Woo Woop!
·         Tomorrow we are taking a little family (1.5hrs) drive to this:

Have wonderful weekend!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Loving Things!

My last post was also about love! I must be feeling it lately! Here’s a list of things I’m loving at the moment. Most are from my Pinterest and it they aren’t I’ve added a link below them. :) I’m helpful!
Strawberry Basil Lemonade! YUM! I have a huge love for Lemonade, all kinds any time of the day!

Hanging Balloons! How fun is this! Great statement over a table or over a doorway!

Outdoor kitchens! Swoon!

I may have shared my loved Wingback Beds before… I can’t remember and don’t want to go search. Either way they are beautiful and I really need one!

Another thing I’ve said before that I love is Elephants! How cute is this little guy? From Target and only $15.99! I need him!
All of the above are from my Pinterest.

I think this would look great above my fireplace! Z Gallerie. I’ve never actually bought anything from there but I really like to look at all the pretty things in their sale section.  

And another one from Target. (My favorite store) I think I need two of these. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pallet Love

Have you seen all the amazing projects floating around made with pallets?! 
This one always catches my eye on Pintrest! I think it would look amazing hanging on the wall on my back deck!

I am for sure doing this, this spring! (Speaking of spring, I woke up to snow today!)

Everything seems to be for outside! I am missing the outdoors!
I have a perfect place on my deck to build this!

And one more for inside! I actually emailed Ben this morning and asked him to bring a pallet home so I can attempt this tonight. I think I will write something different or maybe not, this looks really good!

Happy Tuesday Friends!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Finally Better!

After a full week of being sick, my little princess is finally better! Besides a nasty cough that she has now passed onto me. We had a very low key weekend. No crazy drunken St. Patty’s day for us. Saturday Layla and I went swimming at the YMCA with Jen and that was the most exciting thing we did. J
Here’s Layla feeling better and ready to go swimming!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weekend Round Up

I got absolutely nothing accomplished this weekend. Saturday morning Layla woke up with a fever and an awful cough! Poor baby was feeling terrible. Ben’s co workers wife (got that?) came over to look at Elmer. She’s a vet and we’ve noticed this spot on his ear that he keeps messing with. Turns out my poor puppy has skin cancer. Agh talk about broken heart! Since it’s at a funny place on his ear, the back and close to his head removing it is not possible. BUT she gave us a bunch of stuff to keep it wrapped until it heals (right now it’s basically an open wound, cause Mister won’t leave it alone) and she doesn’t think it’s really going to affect him much. She was positive for a few more healthy years with him. He will from now on always have to be covered in baby sunscreen when he’s outside which we’ve done in the past but haven’t been be that great at. As I mentioned before I got Elmer when I was 19 so he’s very well known and loved in our circle of friends, right now we’re just kind of keeping this to ourselves. I don’t want to worry anyone and with his age (He’ll be 10 this summer) we figured a few more years was about all we had left.
So after all that we had an ER with the Princess. Hours later just to be told everything came back negative. Today though Ben took her to Urgent care and got a doctor that wanted to see her and figure shit out. Do you ever feel like with kids sometimes you get a real doctor and other times you get one who just thinks you’re an over concerned parent? Anyways little Miss Layla has viral pneumonia. Posting will be spotty this week as I get my little girl healthy.
Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Friday!!!

I am so glad it’s almost the weekend!! This week has been weird! My days have gone by really quick but my week has seemed to drag… Does that make sense? We have hardly any plans this weekend! It’s pretty awesome. I want (ha! need) to get caught up on laundry and I need to play outside with the kiddo! Today and tomorrow are supposed to be almost 60! That’s pretty amazing for March in the Inland Northwest! I’m also thinking of painting our family room ceiling fan… while it’s still on the ceiling.
Have a fabulous weekend Loves!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Photo A Day

Just 8 days into March and I’m realizing how hard this is! It is nice to take a picture everyday though, I find myself thinking ahead and looking forward to it. So far I’ve only missed one day. #4 bedside. But really my bedside is not every interesting, at least 4 nail polishes, 3 glasses of water and a bunch of other junk.
#1 Up: On my way to work, a pretty sunrise!
#2 Fruit: My apple a day
#3 Neighborhood: Kind of cheated on this one, this is out my back porch but these threes are all over my neighborhood.
#5 A Smile: Layla Lou and Elmer
#6 5:00pm: No explanation needed  
#7 Something you Wore: Something I wore, which tuned into a boob shot…

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chevron Wall Part 2

A few weekends ago I finished going down the stairs on my Chevron Wall! (When I started here)Well Ben finished using his Mighty Math Powers (Woo Team UmiZoomi!) to map (math) the rest of it out. That process takes for freaking ever, then there’s taping it and getting perfect edges, then finally the easy part painting!!! I love it! It makes me happy every time I got up or down the stairs. Next up is to go around the wall down the set of stairs that go into the basement.
Ben and his lil Helper

I really love it! It took a super boring wall and made it really fun!
Tomorrow I will be back with the first few days of #MarchPhotoADay

Linking up to: Thrify Decor Chic
Spotlight Saturday

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Eddiekins!

Happy Birthday to the coolest big brother EVER! I can’t believe you are 31! Holy Moley! I am so excited for your year ahead! Seeing the way you are with Layla, I know you are going to be an amazing Daddy! (due 7/11/12!)
You never follow the beaten path, and are never afraid to try new things! I truly look up to you!
Eddie & Layla 4/08. I miss her being tiny!

At our ranch in CA. Were our Gandparents lived. (Our Dad still lives there)

At our Mom's house, with his Bestie Elmer

Becca, Eddie & Me, looking a little tipsy!
Your facial hair is always silly! And I threaten to shave it off when you’re not looking all the time… But really its part of what makes you, you. Here’s to an amazing life changing year for you! I am so pround of you!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend Round Up!

Busy, Busy Weekend! Friday we went dinner then home to put the kiddo to bed. Then Ben started cleaning and I started making decorations. Back story tomorrow is my older brother Eddie’s 31st birthday. For the last 3 weeks I’ve been trying to get him to make a plan for it. Although in the back of my head I always knew it was going to be at my house. So Wednesday night his girlfriend calls and asks if we can have a get together. Everything was quickly thrown together but I think it turned out well!
Anyways Saturday morning my Mom picked up Layla and I left Ben to clean some more while I went to get my hair done! Lol thanks, Benny! Here’s some shots of the decorations, nothing too fancy since I only had a few days. All taken with my celly, sorry.
Drink Area. I love my Chevron wall!

Cute 31 Banner I made

Eddie Banner

We had a taco bar, Eddie’s favorite! The food was so good! Thanks to Eddie’s girlfriend for helping with that!  
Sunday since my Mom had Layla we slept in! Till like 10am! It was amaze! Then we hurried our butts out to get her! Breaks are so nice, but man do I miss her!
Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Layla & #Marchphotoaday

Monday morning I had a super rough morning with Layla. I had her all dressed and ready to go went to finish getting myself ready, come back out and she has on a completely different outfit on top of her other outfit. A fight ensued getting her to change and about an hour later I felt like the biggest jerk. Why can’t she wear whatever she wants? Who really cares if it matches? She’s only young once, why can’t she pick out her own clothes? So Monday when I picked her up I let her know she could start picking out her clothes and wear whatever she wanted! (as long as it’s warm, fits, whatever) I honestly think she’s doing great! Here’s this morning’s outfit:

Also I have decided to join in Fat Mum Slim for the March Photo of the Day. Here’s a list of what I’ll be doing. I doubt I’ll blog it every day, but I am planning on tweeting it every day! (@Kristakins_ ) So follow along or join!
Happy Thursday!