Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Portland Roundup

Ever visit a city and just have it click? It just feels right? Like where has this city been all my life? This is exactly how we felt in Portland. Something about it just grabbed us and I heard Ben says something that in the 15 years I’ve known him I have never heard him say, he would actually consider moving! Not that anything would happen anytime soon, but it’s a great step in the right direction! I’ve always wanted to move, not that I don’t love my current city I’ve just always wanted to try something new.
Here are a few pictures of our trip; I’m debating doing a full post about it because it will be long!
1)      Ben! This is almost into Oregon while driving. I do all the driving, on trips around town whenever.
2)      The view at night of our 14th floor hotel room
3)      Dinner Friday night well more like breakfast, I think it was sometime after 4am. Montage gives you leftovers in cute little foil animals. Ben though it was a duck...
4)    Beautiful day in Portland!!!  
5)      Home Goods!
6)      The Rouge
7)      Ben outside at the Rouge
8)      Super tasty Rouge Beer
9)      And another beer.
It was a fabulous trip! I can’t wait to go back with Layla, I’ve heard great things about their zoo.
Also, right before this trip I signed up for Instagram! Woop! I’ve been uploading photos like crazy! Come find me Kristakins_ and I’ll follow you back. I need more pretty pictures to look at!

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